Why not Women?

Why not Women?

Being a woman minister is a lonely world if ministry calls you to the pastorate in an area that is mostly rural and small towns. You don’t fit in with the Pastor’s groups because they are a boy’s club, (even when they try not to be) and you don’t fit in with their wives because most of them aren’t co-pastoring, so their focus is not the same as yours is; they are teaching Sunday school and playing the piano and well some of us don’t sing well enough to lead worship, nor do we play an instrument, teaching Sunday school is fine.  Why is it assumed that it takes being male to teach the adult Sunday school class and that women should only be teaching the children? Honestly I have yet to see a woman Youth Pastor in the areas local to me, apparently it takes an xy chromosome pairing to be in charge of Youth Ministry as well. Scripture says in Romans 8:14 Amplified Bible (AMP) 14″ For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”  That would mean if I am led by the Spirit of God I am a son of God. Scripture also says in Galatians 3:28 Amplified Bible (AMP) “There is [now no distinction] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” If God sees no distinction now that I have received Jesus Christ as my Lord, Master and Savior why do men and woman feel the need to segregate the Body of Christ by the the same distinctions that the Apostle Paul told the Galatians no longer existed? We are constantly told not to pick and choose what we accept from the Bible throwing away what we do not. This is a topic that deserves study since it often dismisses an entire sector of the Body of Christ in way that in my opinion mirrors the use of the Burka in many Middle Eastern countries.

I am a Bible believing woman. I have no problem with the Bible or the Christian God, I do however take issue with people who call themselves Christian leaders and yet choose to ignore what disturbs them. In the spirit of education and stamping out ignorance I am posting a book pick on this topic that is the best I have ever read and I have read more than a few.

My book pick for this very hot topic is an easy to read but scholarly treatment of the subject available in English and Spanish at Christianbook.com, to make it easy I have linked the title, so just click on the title below 🙂 If you’ve read this book please leave me a comment with your opinion on the authors’ point of view.

Ywam Publishing / 2000 / Paperback
May the Blessings of God overtake you and fill your house to overflowing that you might share them and be a blessing to others. Shalom